Tafqeet (amount_to_text) arabic

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Tafqeet (amount_to_text) arabic

Dear Members,
   I want to ask you if you can help me to find the “TAFQEET” function, which convert amount to Arabic letter (something like amount_to_text.py implemented by odoo under tools folder).

I tried to write a function, but it’s not working perfectly.

I will be very thankful if you can help me.

‏تلقيت هذه الرسالة لأنك مشترك في مجموعة "مجتمع أوبن إي آر بي العربي: النقاشات العامة" في مجموعات Google.
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Re: Tafqeet (amount_to_text) arabic

Hello Ayman,
You'll need to import the class:
from openerp.tools import amount_to_text_en

And pass the amount to your function:
 def _amount_in_words(self):
     self.amount_to_text = amount_to_text_en.amount_to_text(nbr=self.amount_total, currency=self.currency_id.label)

Where 'amount_to_text' is a computed field you'll create in 'Account Invoice' Object: 
 class AccountInvoice(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'account.invoice'
    amount_to_text = fields.Char(compute='_amount_in_words', string='In Words', help="The amount in words")

Translating your module into Arabic should be sufficient. However, I didn't try translating amounts and see if Arabic translation will be accurately represented. The function is around line 103 in amount_to_text_en.py in Odoo Version 8. The code above is quoted from this module.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you still need any help.

Best regards,
Mustafa Rawi

On Friday, November 11, 2016 at 12:00:53 PM UTC+2, Aymen A wrote:
Dear Members,
   I want to ask you if you can help me to find the “TAFQEET” function, which convert amount to Arabic letter (something like amount_to_text.py implemented by odoo under tools folder).

I tried to write a function, but it’s not working perfectly.

I will be very thankful if you can help me.

‏تلقيت هذه الرسالة لأنك مشترك في مجموعة "مجتمع أوبن إي آر بي العربي: النقاشات العامة" في مجموعات Google.
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Re: Tafqeet (amount_to_text) arabic


Thank you for your reply and reactivity,

    As you know, writing amount in arabic is totally different from english. I worked with english and french amount_to_word and i succeded to call the function in the invoice and write it properly in the bottom of the report. 

  For arabic implementation, it's more complicated, because we have to respect some grammar rules (إسم العدد والمعدود...) ect...

exemple:فقط مئة وأحد عشر ريالاً وخمسة وعشرون هللة لا غير.

I'm sure that all Arabic companies need it when printing invoice or writing check directly from odoo.

  Thank you in advance.

  Kind Regards


‏تلقيت هذه الرسالة لأنك مشترك في مجموعة "مجتمع أوبن إي آر بي العربي: النقاشات العامة" في مجموعات Google.
لإلغاء الاشتراك في هذه المجموعة وإيقاف تلقي رسائل الإلكترونية منها، أرسل رسالة إلكترونية إلى [hidden email].
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