International ERL efforts

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International ERL efforts

Dear Friends,

My organization is interested in OpenERP and in developing RTL support.
( )

We would love to know if anyone has done any work on a rtl.css file so we could co-operate.

We will also work with upstream OpenERP project to incorporate RTL support in future releases.


لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة لأنك مشترك في المجموعة "مجتمع أوبن إي آر بي العربي: النقاشات العامة" من مجموعات Google.
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Re: International ERL efforts

أحمد خياط
2013/4/7 <[hidden email]>
Dear Friends,

My organization is interested in OpenERP and in developing RTL support.
( )

We would love to know if anyone has done any work on a rtl.css file so we could co-operate.

We will also work with upstream OpenERP project to incorporate RTL support in future releases.

We have not started anything yet, but we would be interested in participating if this is done publicly.
If we start something, it will certainly be public.
We want everyone interested to be able to participate, and we want our efforts to be visible to OpenERP developers to get their feedback to facilitate inclusion in OpenERP upstream.

لقد تلقيت هذه الرسالة لأنك مشترك في المجموعة "مجتمع أوبن إي آر بي العربي: النقاشات العامة" من مجموعات Google.
لإلغاء اشتراكك في هذه المجموعة وإيقاف تلقي رسائل إلكترونية منها، أرسِل رسالة إلكترونية إلى [hidden email].
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للمزيد من الخيارات، انتقل إلى